Agile VC
My idle thoughts on tech startups
My idle thoughts on tech startups
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As the VC industry goes through a certain level of upheaval, one of the frequently cited issues is the growth in fund size over the last 5-10 years. All other factors aside, VCs themselves have an incentive to grow the […]

A lot of startup pitches I see or hear often include a point something along the lines of: “Over $X million has been invested to date in building our technology/product” The supposed conclusion, either expressly stated or simply implied, is […]

There is an incredible amount of buzz about “real-time” search in the web ecosystem these days. And if the availability of real-time data makes possible more accurate prediction or inference of future events, than that will almost certainly be a […]

It’s no secret the time from initial startup to exit is growing longer for VC-backed startups and other private companies. The latest data I’ve seen indicates the average time to exit (and thus shareholder liquidity) is now in the 7-8 […]

Micropayments is a concept which has been like the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow… always just over the next hill, at least here in North America. Recently micropayments have received a lot of talk as […]

Folks in the VC industry are often asked about or end up talking about the current state of the IPO market and the prospects for recovery in the near to longer term. At the NVCA’s annual meeting last wk, they […]

Google is now highlighting peoples’ Google Profiles in search results when users search for a person’s name. There’s speculation that this change may impact services like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and others whose own profile pages have historically ranked high in natural search […]

I’ve been engaged in a thoroughly enjoyable, rolling conversation with a variety of folks over the last year and change regarding the lower capital requirements to start software-based businesses and what impact this will (or should) have on the VC […]

A frequent (and often legitimate) complaint by entrepeneurs about VCs is that we rarely say “no” to a particular investment opportunity clearly and quickly. There are a variety of reasons (both good & bad) for this which I’ll delve into […]