Agile VC
My idle thoughts on tech startups
My idle thoughts on tech startups
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I was reading an article the other day in VentureWire which made me laugh out loud. The article described the recent acquisition of optical networking company Picolight by JDS Uniphase for $115 million. A little background… Picolight had raised a […]

I attended a conference last week put on by the MIT Enterprise Forum that focused on “Web 2.0” stuff. One of the topics which was tangential to some of the overarching themes, yet somehow popped up in several of the […]

Yesterday’s announcement by IBM of the launch of a suite of “Web 2.0” tools for businesses triggered the impulse to finally write a post I’ve been contemplating for the last couple of months. I can’t say that I’ve ever been […]

In the course of listening to entrepreneur pitches, I’ve often heard a sentiment which never quite sits right with me… “We will build a leading [exceptional, great, etc] brand in order to deliver product/service X.” I’ve heard this notion expressed […]

A somewhat self-effacing holiday video from the folks at Blueprint Ventures which I found it to be rip-roaringly funny. Very happy holidays to all.

There was an amusing article last Friday in the SJ Mercury News about former venture capitalists who are trying their hand as entrepreneurs. The article notes how surprised many of the VCs are at various aspects of working in a […]

Last week, I attended the latest get together of the Boston area WebInno Group. The group started off as an informal meeting of a handful people and has evolved into a fairly well-attended regular gathering of entrepreneurs, investors, and even […]

Two quick blurbs from the WSJ today that I wanted to highlight (paid registration required, unfortunately). The first was their coverage on the 2nd tier of social networking services like Piczo, Hi5, and Xuqa (a company I had the privelege […]

There are fundamentally three ways to make money on the internet… there, I’ve said it 🙂 I meet folks time to time who seem to disagree with this notion, either because they conceive of some other modality for generating revenue […]