Agile VC
My idle thoughts on tech startups
My idle thoughts on tech startups
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When I was a junior or senior in high school, all of us had to take the Myers-Briggs personality test. I’m sure my lovely wife, a university psych researcher, would prefer I call it a psychological typing instrument or a […]

The NVCA released figures today (slides embedded below courtesty of NVCA, also reported here) on the grim state of the exit market for VC-backed startups. The cold statistics are pretty sobering… Q2 2008 was the first quarter in 30yrs that […]

I’ve been following the behavioral ad targeting space with interest for a couple years now. Behavioral targeting has of course been around in a variety of forms for a number of years, but one of the more recently publicized incarnations […]

Yahoo! proudly announces a search partnership with Google. What happens next? Their stock plummets 10% yesterday and another 6% today as of this post. For what it’s worth, GOOG is up about 3.5% this morning. This of course must be […]

I had the opportunity to attend Microsoft’s “VC Day” this past Friday. Microsoft has been doing this type of event for some years out in Redmond, but this was the first year they hosted here at their new facility in […]

I’m planning to move the DNS for the back to Network Solutions so may experience some intermittent access as the new settings propagate. Please pardon the interruption, will post something new when normal service has resumed…

Paul Graham wrote an essay “Why There Aren’t More Googles” a little while back that addressed (among other things) the issue of why VCs aren’t bolder. Bolder in the sense of stepping outside normal groupthink to invest in bold, if […]

I’d be remiss if I didn’t extend warm happy birthday wishes to LinkedIn and the team there. We launched the site publicly five years ago in May 2003 after about 6 months of planning, architecting, and coding which began at […]

I was fortunate enough to be profiled recently as an up and coming “VC Tech Turk” here in the Boston area. The other three guys (Kevin Bitterman – Polaris, John Karlan – Flybridge, David Danielson – General Catalyst) are all […]